
Thousands of Billions worth of Memoranda Signed with Chinese investors at China Expo


Recounting the outcomes of Aras' presence at the China International Trade and Investment Exhibition, referring to the conclusion of several investment memorandums worth 140 million dollars, Ali Navid, Deputy for Economic and Investment Affairs noted that the production of industrial cranes, construction machinery, medical equipment, copper cathode, and the construction of a greenhouse are among the opportunities for investors welcomed by the Chinese companies and initial memorandums were signed to continue the negotiations, Public Relations & Intl. Affairs of Aras Free Zone Org. reported.

He informed about conducting business negotiations with the representatives of more than 85 international companies and said: “In these discussions, besides presenting investment opportunities for the development of trade and exports, the high-quality products of Aras were also handed out to the economic activists and target audiences.”

“The purposeful presence in this exhibition and the presentation of written and visual contents of the industrial, agricultural, and trade and tourism capacities of Aras and most importantly the presentation of investment opportunities ended up attracting the positive opinion of the economic actors of the host country, he added.”


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